Australia Map Project
You are going to use your knowledge of maps and map skills to create a map of Australia.
You can create a political, resource, economic, climate, topographical map etc.
You will create the map on a piece of 8.5 by 11.5 inch white paper.
You must draw or trace the map. Do not use print outs of maps or photo copies.
Use maps found in your social studies book, library books and online sources.
Asia text pgs. 262, 219, 121, 63
You need a title that names the type of map you create and name Australia in the title .
You need a compass rose, scale of distance and a key.
You should sketch out the map first, label all its parts and then color it in.
Use lite colors so you do not hide your labels. Label and color it neatly.
You will label important geographic features and rivers, lakes and oceans and seas.
You will name important cities etc.
Be sure to check your spelling etc.
Remember to put your name on it.
Have your materials in class and available for library periods.
You may do some work at home, but you must also work on it in school.
You are going to use your knowledge of maps and map skills to create a map of Australia.
You can create a political, resource, economic, climate, topographical map etc.
You will create the map on a piece of 8.5 by 11.5 inch white paper.
You must draw or trace the map. Do not use print outs of maps or photo copies.
Use maps found in your social studies book, library books and online sources.
Asia text pgs. 262, 219, 121, 63
You need a title that names the type of map you create and name Australia in the title .
You need a compass rose, scale of distance and a key.
You should sketch out the map first, label all its parts and then color it in.
Use lite colors so you do not hide your labels. Label and color it neatly.
You will label important geographic features and rivers, lakes and oceans and seas.
You will name important cities etc.
Be sure to check your spelling etc.
Remember to put your name on it.
Have your materials in class and available for library periods.
You may do some work at home, but you must also work on it in school.