Australia Aboriginal Art Piece
Use the links on my wikis space and the outline from our class discussion to write your newspaper story.
Australia's Aboriginal Art
I. The Aborigines of Australia had a unique form of art.
A. It is thousands of years old.
1. They painted what was important in the world around them.
2. They used patterns and every part of the work had pattern on it, nothing was blank.
3. Is a style that could be called Abstract.
4. Is a style called Pointallism, a picture made from a series of small painted dots.
B. Their work is all about nature.
1. They painted on cave walls and on tree bark.
2. They made their own paints from the elements of earth
3. They used nature inspired colors
4. They used nature inspired subjects
5. The paintings told a story
C. Aboriginal Art is for Sale
1. Old paintings are rare
2. old paintings are very expensive.
3. Old paintings are in museums and private collections.
4. Modern art is being created in the aboriginal form.
5. Modern pieces are highly prized by collectors and museums.
6. Modern art is shipped around the world.
Title of your article goes here
by (your name goes here)
Australia Art Newspaper Article
You are going to write a newspaper story about a new company that is selling modern aboriginal art to tourists and people in foreign countries. Create a title for your article. You will be the reporter writing the story.
In your first paragraph:
You will explain that you are visiting a modern art gallery that sells modern Aboriginal art. in Australia. The art is painted by descendants of the first people who settled Australia. They have created modern works of art in the style of their ancestors. It is important that the world get to see their work and their culture. You could explain that a small group of educated aboriginal Australians have formed a company that will ship the works of art to businesses overseas that trade with Australia. The works of art will be exported to them. The paintings can be shipped by boat or by plane. Use what you learned about import and exports.
In your second paragraph:
You should briefly explain the style art that is made and why it is special. No other people on earth create works of art in this style. Use your notes from our class discussion about Pointillism and Aboriginal art, social studies book and the link on the class wiki page about aboriginal art for help: You will pick one painting in the gallery- the piece you painted and tell about it as it tells about the style of Aboriginal art.
Be sure to describe
-the subject of your painting
-the colors used
-the style of painting- be sure to name it, too... How do they paint the picture?
-why they painted it
-the materials they used to paint it
-that is based on the paintings done by their ancestors
In your third paragraph:You have found a piece of Aboriginal art that you really like.
You will tell all about it.
You will describe the subject in nature of the art piece.
You will tell about the colors and what they might mean.
You will use words to tell about the style of the painting.
You will use words to describe the technique the artist used.
In your 4th paragraph:
You should explain that this is a new source of income for the Aborigine's descendants.Tell about them living in rural areas and do not make lots of money at jobs they have in the farming, tourism, or with the traditional life they lead.Explain what the money from the sale of the paintings/ goods will be used for- to import medical, educational and vocational training supplies.Write about them being be able to afford better housing, health care and education. Use what you have learned about these matters.
You might want to revisit the links on the class wiki page.
Be sure to use precise language/ vocabulary words and concepts we read and discussed in class.
Be sure to use complete thoughts, paragraph form, indent, margins.Be sure to check spelling, grammar, capitals, punctuation.Be sure to neatly write the rough draft, and the final copy in ink and in cursive or neatly type it.Be sure to have your materials in class.
sample of paragraph 1
(indent) A group of modern Australian artists have formed a company to export modern Aboriginal art to the rest of the world. The company is called Modern Aboriginal Art, Inc. The creators of this art are descendants of the early Aborigines. They are using modern materials to paint in the style of their ancestors. They are using modern paints and canvas to paint stories about nature. The company believes it is important to teach the world about Aboriginal art. Tourists can see these paintings in galleries around the world. They can order them through the company's website, too. The paintings will become part of public and private art collections around the world. The money made from the sale of paintings will help the Aborigines build a better life!
sample of paragraph 2
(indent) The money from the sale of the Aboriginal paintings will be used to improve the lives of the Aboriginal people. They could build better housing. They electricity and running water with plumbing. They could afford better food and nutrition. They could build hospitals and clinics. They could build better schools. The Aborigines may have a higher life expectancy. They could have better jobs and a higher literacy rate. Life for the Aborigines will greatly improve over time because of the sale of their paintings.
Sample of paragraph #3
(indent) Aboriginal art is all about nature and a very old style of painting.
The scenes are about nature and the world around them. They made their own paints and used colors found in nature. They painted on cave walls and on tree bark. They used dots of paint to form a picture, and were very colorful. This is called Pointallism. Every part of the patting had pattern to it. The paintings told a story. Modern aboriginal paintings are in the same style as the ancient ones.
Use the links on my wikis space and the outline from our class discussion to write your newspaper story.
Australia's Aboriginal Art
I. The Aborigines of Australia had a unique form of art.
A. It is thousands of years old.
1. They painted what was important in the world around them.
2. They used patterns and every part of the work had pattern on it, nothing was blank.
3. Is a style that could be called Abstract.
4. Is a style called Pointallism, a picture made from a series of small painted dots.
B. Their work is all about nature.
1. They painted on cave walls and on tree bark.
2. They made their own paints from the elements of earth
3. They used nature inspired colors
4. They used nature inspired subjects
5. The paintings told a story
C. Aboriginal Art is for Sale
1. Old paintings are rare
2. old paintings are very expensive.
3. Old paintings are in museums and private collections.
4. Modern art is being created in the aboriginal form.
5. Modern pieces are highly prized by collectors and museums.
6. Modern art is shipped around the world.
Title of your article goes here
by (your name goes here)
Australia Art Newspaper Article
You are going to write a newspaper story about a new company that is selling modern aboriginal art to tourists and people in foreign countries. Create a title for your article. You will be the reporter writing the story.
In your first paragraph:
You will explain that you are visiting a modern art gallery that sells modern Aboriginal art. in Australia. The art is painted by descendants of the first people who settled Australia. They have created modern works of art in the style of their ancestors. It is important that the world get to see their work and their culture. You could explain that a small group of educated aboriginal Australians have formed a company that will ship the works of art to businesses overseas that trade with Australia. The works of art will be exported to them. The paintings can be shipped by boat or by plane. Use what you learned about import and exports.
In your second paragraph:
You should briefly explain the style art that is made and why it is special. No other people on earth create works of art in this style. Use your notes from our class discussion about Pointillism and Aboriginal art, social studies book and the link on the class wiki page about aboriginal art for help: You will pick one painting in the gallery- the piece you painted and tell about it as it tells about the style of Aboriginal art.
Be sure to describe
-the subject of your painting
-the colors used
-the style of painting- be sure to name it, too... How do they paint the picture?
-why they painted it
-the materials they used to paint it
-that is based on the paintings done by their ancestors
In your third paragraph:You have found a piece of Aboriginal art that you really like.
You will tell all about it.
You will describe the subject in nature of the art piece.
You will tell about the colors and what they might mean.
You will use words to tell about the style of the painting.
You will use words to describe the technique the artist used.
In your 4th paragraph:
You should explain that this is a new source of income for the Aborigine's descendants.Tell about them living in rural areas and do not make lots of money at jobs they have in the farming, tourism, or with the traditional life they lead.Explain what the money from the sale of the paintings/ goods will be used for- to import medical, educational and vocational training supplies.Write about them being be able to afford better housing, health care and education. Use what you have learned about these matters.
You might want to revisit the links on the class wiki page.
Be sure to use precise language/ vocabulary words and concepts we read and discussed in class.
Be sure to use complete thoughts, paragraph form, indent, margins.Be sure to check spelling, grammar, capitals, punctuation.Be sure to neatly write the rough draft, and the final copy in ink and in cursive or neatly type it.Be sure to have your materials in class.
sample of paragraph 1
(indent) A group of modern Australian artists have formed a company to export modern Aboriginal art to the rest of the world. The company is called Modern Aboriginal Art, Inc. The creators of this art are descendants of the early Aborigines. They are using modern materials to paint in the style of their ancestors. They are using modern paints and canvas to paint stories about nature. The company believes it is important to teach the world about Aboriginal art. Tourists can see these paintings in galleries around the world. They can order them through the company's website, too. The paintings will become part of public and private art collections around the world. The money made from the sale of paintings will help the Aborigines build a better life!
sample of paragraph 2
(indent) The money from the sale of the Aboriginal paintings will be used to improve the lives of the Aboriginal people. They could build better housing. They electricity and running water with plumbing. They could afford better food and nutrition. They could build hospitals and clinics. They could build better schools. The Aborigines may have a higher life expectancy. They could have better jobs and a higher literacy rate. Life for the Aborigines will greatly improve over time because of the sale of their paintings.
Sample of paragraph #3
(indent) Aboriginal art is all about nature and a very old style of painting.
The scenes are about nature and the world around them. They made their own paints and used colors found in nature. They painted on cave walls and on tree bark. They used dots of paint to form a picture, and were very colorful. This is called Pointallism. Every part of the patting had pattern to it. The paintings told a story. Modern aboriginal paintings are in the same style as the ancient ones.