Orientation Information 2021-22
Fifth Grade Ten Commandments
1. Thou shall take pride in thy appearance, & come to school ready to learn and have fun.
2. Thou shall be a good citizen, follow class/ school rules, and live thy faith in God.
3. Thou shall come prepared to school with thy uniform, supplies, books, and work.
4. Thou shall write thy name, date and page number on all thy work and assignments.
5. Thou shall do thy best in thy work, be neat, show thy work for and check thy answers.
6. Thou shall write neatly in erasable pen (blue/ black) or pencil & in cursive when asked.
7. Thou shall cover all text at all times. (No self-stick covers/ do not tape covers to book).
8. Thou shall write down thy homework in thy Agenda Book and pack thy bag with what thou needs to complete thy homework.
9. Thou shall bring thy Tuesday Envelope, Agenda Book, weekly note and teacher’s notes home to thy parents to be signed and returned to school.
10. Thou shall help others/share thy gifts and talents with thy school family & community.
Classwork and Homework Policies and Expectations
Assignments provide practice to apply and develop skills presented in class.
Homework teaches the child responsibility, develops good study habits.
Homework/ Class work is weighted equally with tests/ quizzes in most subjects.
Homework should be approximately 1 hour to complete.
Homework assignments are on the board for students to copy in the Agenda Book.
Homework is outlined on the Google Classroom page.
Handouts and news is posted on the class weebly page: gr5sjs.weebly.com
Test are announced at the start of each week. Students will be reminded to study.
Special class projects and assignments are outlined in letters to parents.
Parents should check the Agenda daily for a list of homework/ teacher's notes.
Students are expected to:
1. Do their best on class/ homework independently before asking for help.
2. Complete, neat and accurate work.
3. Turn assignments in time.
4. Copy Homework in their Agenda Book each day.
5. Use their Homework Folder to keep track of assignments.
6. Put their name, date, assignment page number on their work.
7. Follow along in class and follow directions to complete their best work.
8. Keep a neat desk and cubby to know where their things are.
9. Complete work missed by absence, illness, vacation, or extra curricular activity in a timely manner.
10. Write down assignments not turned in to the teacher in the Agenda to remind
themselves to turn them ASAP.
Assessment and Grading Guidelines
Most assignments will be seen/ graded by me and a grade entered into the grade book.
Some have, Ö+, Ö -, or are VG- Very Good, G- Good, S-Satisfactory, NI-Needs Improvement,
or will have comments: most will have a percent or corresponding letter grade.
Some papers will be evaluated by a rubric that will be provided to students when work is assigned.
Students should finish and correct “Correct and Return,” “Incomplete,” “D” and “F” work to review
the skills and concepts before tests.
Progress is reported to students and parents through comments on the graded papers and formally reported on mid-trimester progress reports and trimester report cards. Progress in academic subjects is reported as a letter grade corresponding to a percentage grade. Academic grades are calculated by weighting tests and class work/ homework equally. Art, Music, Spanish, and P.E. are graded S-Satisfactory and NI-Needs Improvement.
Work missed due to absence/illness/extracurricular activity is to be made up/turned in within a week.
Students are given a list of work to be made up upon their return.
Students with incomplete class/ homework are expected to write a reminder to make it up/ turn the work in their AGENDA,
and choose to lose free time, or recess to complete the missed/ incomplete assignments.
(Middle school students serve after school detentions).
After 2 reminders, students who do not to turn in work choose to have their PARENTS INFORMED by the WEEKLY NOTE sent home in the TUESDAY ENVELOPE. Parents should sign/return notes.
Students who do not to turn in work choose to have a “0” recorded in the grade book. Work turned in late, but not excused by absence or illness, earn the highest grade of “D.” Chronic cases of incomplete class/homework will result in a teacher-parent conference.
Teaching Style
Students practice a skill when topics are introduced in class before independent work is assigned. Workbooks take the place of formal notebooks. Work is usually corrected aloud and collected for the teacher to assess. Independent work is more frequently assigned as the year progresses. Students are expected to study for tests as part of homework. We complete text and study guide reviews before tests, but less class time will be spent preparing as the year passes.
School - Home Communication
Tuesday Envelopes are sent home each Tuesday and contain a packet of graded work, a teacher’s
newsletter, a Weekly Note Home and notices from the office.
Notes to parents are stapled in the child’s Agenda Book. Please check the Agenda Book each night, discuss
notes with your child, sign and return them.
Please sign and return all notes stapled in the Agenda/ to the Graded papers
as well as the Weekly Note, so I know you’ve seen them.
Telephone Messages may be left for me with the school secretary or notes written and sent to me with your
child. I’ll return calls/ notes as planning time permits.
Parents may check the class wiki page for the weekly newsletter, Class and Homework and posted handouts for class assignments and special projects.
Class Rules and Discipline Policies
I firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline. I have developed a Classroom Discipline Plan based on school rules outlined in the St. Joseph School Handbook. Rules are reviewed, warnings issued the first week of school, and the plan is in effect at all times. Students are expected to make good choices as well as account for his/ her own behavior. I prepare students for Middle School where expectations are high and consequences are seriously enforced.
Class Rules:
1. Be well behaved, follow directions, class/school rules, make good choices.
2. Be a good citizen: be truthful, helpful, work together. Get along with others.
3. Respect others: their rights, feelings, property; keep your hands, feet to self.
4. Be a good worker, sit/work quietly & raise your hand to share/ ask questions.
5. Ask permission to leave your seat, to leave the classroom.
6. Be prepared for class: have supplies, assignments, use the Agenda Book.
7. Do your best work. Complete class/homework on time. Check your work.
8. Have notes, Weekly Note Sheet & Tuesday Envelope signed returned.
9. Keep your desk neat; return what you use, clean up when you are through.
10. Do what Jesus would do! Live your faith each and every day!
Positive reinforcement and verbal praise are used to encourage students to follow class rules. A severity clause remains in effect by which at any time a student posing a threat/ continued disruption would be sent to the Principal. I will notify parents when a child has been to the Principal. The following consequences will be utilized:
1st offense Verbal Reminder/ Name on Conduct List/ Loss of TIME at Recess
2nd offense Ö by Name on Conduct List/ Thinking Time/ Loss of Minutes at Recess
3rd offense Second Ö by name and loss of Free Time/ Recess or Lunch
Detention and/ or Note home/ Phone Call to Parent
Students may be asked to write a note/ Time to Teach form home to their parent explaining why/ how they have continued to break a school or class rule.
Students may be asked to write after verbal reminders have failed to be effective.
Lunch, Recess, or After School Detentions may also be used.
Incomplete homework/ classwork will be made up at recess, a Special or after school.
Failure to return a Note/ Weekly Behavior Sheet may result in the loss of Recess/ Free Time or a Lunch Detention/ Visit to the Principal.
A Student/ Parent/ Teacher Conference may be scheduled to investigate or resolve a situation when deemed necessary by the teacher/parent.
The Assistant Principal/ Principal will be notified of/ involved in situations, per school policy, as necessary.
After school detentions will be arranged as necessary with Principal’s approval.
Classdojo.com Behavior Reports and Instant Messaging
Parents can monitor their child's behavior at school through reports on Classdojo.com, Students earn points for positive behavior and directions, as well as have points deducted for negative behavior/ not following directions. Parents and students can access the account when they sign up for instant messaging etc. at the start of the school year. Parents will receive reminders etc. during the year through the instant messaging feature of the program.
Study Skills Checklist
Proper study skills and habits are very important steps in the learning process. The following 10 suggestions are provided to assist both parents and students in developing a study routine.
Know what is expected of you
A Copy the assignments in your Agenda Book carefully
B Read the directions before you leave class or begin to work
C Ask the teacher for help if you have questions or are confused
D Correct “Incomplete,” “D,” and “F” work to learn from mistakes
Have the necessary materials
A Be prepared with textbook, notes, paper, pencils etc.
Use extra facilities
A Library, Internet, dictionary or encyclopedia, text book resources
B A study partner/ classmate
Know when your assignments are due
A Record due dates and important on the calendar in your Agenda Book
Plan your study time
A Don’t wait until the last minute to study or complete an assignment or project
B Set aside at least 1 hour a day for study and homework, do homework, then play
C Prioritize your assignments, complete first what is due sooner
Select a proper study area
A You need a relatively quiet place, free of distractions, TV or loud music
B You need a suitable writing surface and proper lighting
Organize yourself
A Use your Agenda Book and calendar every day to keep track of dates
B Organize your desk space, binder, note books, book bag and work space at home
C Clean out your Assignment Folder on a regular basis
Concentrate on the task at hand
A Spend the entire hour concentrating on homework
B Remember number one “Know What is Expected”
C Don’t get sidetracked by magazines, games, the telephone, TV, stereo, siblings
D Stay with it the entire hour
Write neatly and carefully to do your best work
A You will spend less time recopying if you do it neatly and carefully the first time
B Always write your name, your assigned number, the date, subject, page number
at the top of the paper
C Copy the information correctly, spell correctly, check the accuracy of your work
D Remember to do your own work and not use the work of others as your own
A Discuss what you have learned in school with your parents
B Parents can help you, offer suggestions, support and check your work
C Share the good and the not so good, remember to have them sign “Incomplete,”
“D,” and “F” work and return it to the teacher
Take PRIDE in who you are and what you do!
You will RESPECT yourself and others will too!
Summer 2020
Dear Fifth Grade Students and Parents,
Welcome to fifth grade! I am pleased to be working with you and hope that together we can have a remarkable year.
Fifth grade is a transitional year. Soon you will be in Middle School. Together, we will develop skills that help you be successful. Enclosed in this packet are a brief outline of General Policies, Grading Guidelines, Assignment and Homework Policies, School-Home Communication, Class Rules and Discipline Policies, and a Study Skills Checklist that you may find useful this year.
Please review the enclosed schedule. Please note that lunch is at 11:30 AM for fifth grade this year. PE/ Gym class is on Tuesdays. Students will be expected to be in dress uniforms for mass. Please be to school on time and prepared for class each day. Most of our books are new this year; please take good care of them.
Please keep the line of communication between school and home open. Please do not hesitate to write a note or leave a message in
the school office during the year should you need to speak with me or advise me of a special situation at home. I will do my best to promptly return phone messages, but please keep in mind that I may not have a prep period to do so right away.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. Please review it with your child. It is important that you and your child be informed and prepared for the coming year. Please sign and return the bottom of this page that I may know you and your child have
read and understand the information enclosed in the Welcome Back to School Packet.
Best wishes to you for a successful year!
Michael Cholette
I have read and understand the General Policies, Grading Guidelines, Assignment and Homework Policies, School-Home Communication, Class Rules and Discipline Policies, and Study Skills Checklist presented in the Welcome Back to School Packet.
_______________________________ ______________________________________________________
Parent Signature & Date Student Signature & Date
Fifth Grade Ten Commandments
1. Thou shall take pride in thy appearance, & come to school ready to learn and have fun.
2. Thou shall be a good citizen, follow class/ school rules, and live thy faith in God.
3. Thou shall come prepared to school with thy uniform, supplies, books, and work.
4. Thou shall write thy name, date and page number on all thy work and assignments.
5. Thou shall do thy best in thy work, be neat, show thy work for and check thy answers.
6. Thou shall write neatly in erasable pen (blue/ black) or pencil & in cursive when asked.
7. Thou shall cover all text at all times. (No self-stick covers/ do not tape covers to book).
8. Thou shall write down thy homework in thy Agenda Book and pack thy bag with what thou needs to complete thy homework.
9. Thou shall bring thy Tuesday Envelope, Agenda Book, weekly note and teacher’s notes home to thy parents to be signed and returned to school.
10. Thou shall help others/share thy gifts and talents with thy school family & community.
Classwork and Homework Policies and Expectations
Assignments provide practice to apply and develop skills presented in class.
Homework teaches the child responsibility, develops good study habits.
Homework/ Class work is weighted equally with tests/ quizzes in most subjects.
Homework should be approximately 1 hour to complete.
Homework assignments are on the board for students to copy in the Agenda Book.
Homework is outlined on the Google Classroom page.
Handouts and news is posted on the class weebly page: gr5sjs.weebly.com
Test are announced at the start of each week. Students will be reminded to study.
Special class projects and assignments are outlined in letters to parents.
Parents should check the Agenda daily for a list of homework/ teacher's notes.
Students are expected to:
1. Do their best on class/ homework independently before asking for help.
2. Complete, neat and accurate work.
3. Turn assignments in time.
4. Copy Homework in their Agenda Book each day.
5. Use their Homework Folder to keep track of assignments.
6. Put their name, date, assignment page number on their work.
7. Follow along in class and follow directions to complete their best work.
8. Keep a neat desk and cubby to know where their things are.
9. Complete work missed by absence, illness, vacation, or extra curricular activity in a timely manner.
10. Write down assignments not turned in to the teacher in the Agenda to remind
themselves to turn them ASAP.
Assessment and Grading Guidelines
Most assignments will be seen/ graded by me and a grade entered into the grade book.
Some have, Ö+, Ö -, or are VG- Very Good, G- Good, S-Satisfactory, NI-Needs Improvement,
or will have comments: most will have a percent or corresponding letter grade.
Some papers will be evaluated by a rubric that will be provided to students when work is assigned.
Students should finish and correct “Correct and Return,” “Incomplete,” “D” and “F” work to review
the skills and concepts before tests.
Progress is reported to students and parents through comments on the graded papers and formally reported on mid-trimester progress reports and trimester report cards. Progress in academic subjects is reported as a letter grade corresponding to a percentage grade. Academic grades are calculated by weighting tests and class work/ homework equally. Art, Music, Spanish, and P.E. are graded S-Satisfactory and NI-Needs Improvement.
Work missed due to absence/illness/extracurricular activity is to be made up/turned in within a week.
Students are given a list of work to be made up upon their return.
Students with incomplete class/ homework are expected to write a reminder to make it up/ turn the work in their AGENDA,
and choose to lose free time, or recess to complete the missed/ incomplete assignments.
(Middle school students serve after school detentions).
After 2 reminders, students who do not to turn in work choose to have their PARENTS INFORMED by the WEEKLY NOTE sent home in the TUESDAY ENVELOPE. Parents should sign/return notes.
Students who do not to turn in work choose to have a “0” recorded in the grade book. Work turned in late, but not excused by absence or illness, earn the highest grade of “D.” Chronic cases of incomplete class/homework will result in a teacher-parent conference.
Teaching Style
Students practice a skill when topics are introduced in class before independent work is assigned. Workbooks take the place of formal notebooks. Work is usually corrected aloud and collected for the teacher to assess. Independent work is more frequently assigned as the year progresses. Students are expected to study for tests as part of homework. We complete text and study guide reviews before tests, but less class time will be spent preparing as the year passes.
School - Home Communication
Tuesday Envelopes are sent home each Tuesday and contain a packet of graded work, a teacher’s
newsletter, a Weekly Note Home and notices from the office.
Notes to parents are stapled in the child’s Agenda Book. Please check the Agenda Book each night, discuss
notes with your child, sign and return them.
Please sign and return all notes stapled in the Agenda/ to the Graded papers
as well as the Weekly Note, so I know you’ve seen them.
Telephone Messages may be left for me with the school secretary or notes written and sent to me with your
child. I’ll return calls/ notes as planning time permits.
Parents may check the class wiki page for the weekly newsletter, Class and Homework and posted handouts for class assignments and special projects.
Class Rules and Discipline Policies
I firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline. I have developed a Classroom Discipline Plan based on school rules outlined in the St. Joseph School Handbook. Rules are reviewed, warnings issued the first week of school, and the plan is in effect at all times. Students are expected to make good choices as well as account for his/ her own behavior. I prepare students for Middle School where expectations are high and consequences are seriously enforced.
Class Rules:
1. Be well behaved, follow directions, class/school rules, make good choices.
2. Be a good citizen: be truthful, helpful, work together. Get along with others.
3. Respect others: their rights, feelings, property; keep your hands, feet to self.
4. Be a good worker, sit/work quietly & raise your hand to share/ ask questions.
5. Ask permission to leave your seat, to leave the classroom.
6. Be prepared for class: have supplies, assignments, use the Agenda Book.
7. Do your best work. Complete class/homework on time. Check your work.
8. Have notes, Weekly Note Sheet & Tuesday Envelope signed returned.
9. Keep your desk neat; return what you use, clean up when you are through.
10. Do what Jesus would do! Live your faith each and every day!
Positive reinforcement and verbal praise are used to encourage students to follow class rules. A severity clause remains in effect by which at any time a student posing a threat/ continued disruption would be sent to the Principal. I will notify parents when a child has been to the Principal. The following consequences will be utilized:
1st offense Verbal Reminder/ Name on Conduct List/ Loss of TIME at Recess
2nd offense Ö by Name on Conduct List/ Thinking Time/ Loss of Minutes at Recess
3rd offense Second Ö by name and loss of Free Time/ Recess or Lunch
Detention and/ or Note home/ Phone Call to Parent
Students may be asked to write a note/ Time to Teach form home to their parent explaining why/ how they have continued to break a school or class rule.
Students may be asked to write after verbal reminders have failed to be effective.
Lunch, Recess, or After School Detentions may also be used.
Incomplete homework/ classwork will be made up at recess, a Special or after school.
Failure to return a Note/ Weekly Behavior Sheet may result in the loss of Recess/ Free Time or a Lunch Detention/ Visit to the Principal.
A Student/ Parent/ Teacher Conference may be scheduled to investigate or resolve a situation when deemed necessary by the teacher/parent.
The Assistant Principal/ Principal will be notified of/ involved in situations, per school policy, as necessary.
After school detentions will be arranged as necessary with Principal’s approval.
Classdojo.com Behavior Reports and Instant Messaging
Parents can monitor their child's behavior at school through reports on Classdojo.com, Students earn points for positive behavior and directions, as well as have points deducted for negative behavior/ not following directions. Parents and students can access the account when they sign up for instant messaging etc. at the start of the school year. Parents will receive reminders etc. during the year through the instant messaging feature of the program.
Study Skills Checklist
Proper study skills and habits are very important steps in the learning process. The following 10 suggestions are provided to assist both parents and students in developing a study routine.
Know what is expected of you
A Copy the assignments in your Agenda Book carefully
B Read the directions before you leave class or begin to work
C Ask the teacher for help if you have questions or are confused
D Correct “Incomplete,” “D,” and “F” work to learn from mistakes
Have the necessary materials
A Be prepared with textbook, notes, paper, pencils etc.
Use extra facilities
A Library, Internet, dictionary or encyclopedia, text book resources
B A study partner/ classmate
Know when your assignments are due
A Record due dates and important on the calendar in your Agenda Book
Plan your study time
A Don’t wait until the last minute to study or complete an assignment or project
B Set aside at least 1 hour a day for study and homework, do homework, then play
C Prioritize your assignments, complete first what is due sooner
Select a proper study area
A You need a relatively quiet place, free of distractions, TV or loud music
B You need a suitable writing surface and proper lighting
Organize yourself
A Use your Agenda Book and calendar every day to keep track of dates
B Organize your desk space, binder, note books, book bag and work space at home
C Clean out your Assignment Folder on a regular basis
Concentrate on the task at hand
A Spend the entire hour concentrating on homework
B Remember number one “Know What is Expected”
C Don’t get sidetracked by magazines, games, the telephone, TV, stereo, siblings
D Stay with it the entire hour
Write neatly and carefully to do your best work
A You will spend less time recopying if you do it neatly and carefully the first time
B Always write your name, your assigned number, the date, subject, page number
at the top of the paper
C Copy the information correctly, spell correctly, check the accuracy of your work
D Remember to do your own work and not use the work of others as your own
A Discuss what you have learned in school with your parents
B Parents can help you, offer suggestions, support and check your work
C Share the good and the not so good, remember to have them sign “Incomplete,”
“D,” and “F” work and return it to the teacher
Take PRIDE in who you are and what you do!
You will RESPECT yourself and others will too!
Summer 2020
Dear Fifth Grade Students and Parents,
Welcome to fifth grade! I am pleased to be working with you and hope that together we can have a remarkable year.
Fifth grade is a transitional year. Soon you will be in Middle School. Together, we will develop skills that help you be successful. Enclosed in this packet are a brief outline of General Policies, Grading Guidelines, Assignment and Homework Policies, School-Home Communication, Class Rules and Discipline Policies, and a Study Skills Checklist that you may find useful this year.
Please review the enclosed schedule. Please note that lunch is at 11:30 AM for fifth grade this year. PE/ Gym class is on Tuesdays. Students will be expected to be in dress uniforms for mass. Please be to school on time and prepared for class each day. Most of our books are new this year; please take good care of them.
Please keep the line of communication between school and home open. Please do not hesitate to write a note or leave a message in
the school office during the year should you need to speak with me or advise me of a special situation at home. I will do my best to promptly return phone messages, but please keep in mind that I may not have a prep period to do so right away.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. Please review it with your child. It is important that you and your child be informed and prepared for the coming year. Please sign and return the bottom of this page that I may know you and your child have
read and understand the information enclosed in the Welcome Back to School Packet.
Best wishes to you for a successful year!
Michael Cholette
I have read and understand the General Policies, Grading Guidelines, Assignment and Homework Policies, School-Home Communication, Class Rules and Discipline Policies, and Study Skills Checklist presented in the Welcome Back to School Packet.
_______________________________ ______________________________________________________
Parent Signature & Date Student Signature & Date