Assessment and Grading Guidelines
Most assignments will be seen/ graded by me and a grade/ effort grade entered into the grade book.
Some have, +, -, or are graded VG- Very Good, G- Good, S-Satisfactory, and NI-Needs Improvement. Some papers and projects will be evaluated by a rubric that will be provided to students when work is assigned.
Tests & Quizzes will have comments and should have a percent or corresponding letter grade.
90-96 is an A 97-100 is an A+ 80-86 is a B 87-89 is a B+
70-76 is a C 77-79 is a C+ 60-66 is a D 67-69 is a D+ 0-59 is an E
Students should finish and correct “Correct and Return,” “Incomplete,” “D” and “F” work to review the skills and concepts before tests.
Progress is reported to students and parents through comments on the graded papers and formally reported on mid-trimester progress reports and trimester report cards. Progress in academic subjects is reported as a letter grade corresponding to a percentage grade. Academic grades are calculated by weighting tests and class work/ homework equally. Art, Music, French, and P.E. are graded S-Satisfactory and NI-Needs Improvement.
Work missed due to absence/ illness/ extracurricular activity is to be made up/turned in within a week.
Students are given a list of work to be made up upon their return.
Students with incomplete class/ homework choose to lose free time, recess, or possible a special to complete the missed/ incomplete assignments.
At the start of the year parents may be notified of homework assignments that are not turned in by a message on
After two reminders, students who choose not to turn in work choose to have their PARENTS informed.
Parents may be INFORMED BY THE WEEKLY NOTE SENT HOME IN THE TUESDAY ENVELOPE. Parents are asked to sign/return the notes.
Students who choose not to turn in work choose to have a “0” recorded in the grade book.
Work turned in late, but not excused by absence or illness, may earn the highest grade of “D.”
Chronic cases of incomplete class/homework will result in a teacher-parent-principal conference.
Parents may monitor their child's daily progress through points added to or subtracted from their child's Classdojo account.
Study Skills Checklist
Proper study skills and habits are very important steps in the learning process.
The following 10 suggestions are provided to assist both parents and students in developing a study routine.
A. Know what is expected of you. Copy the assignments in your Agenda Book carefully.
B. Read directions before you leave class or begin to work, ask questions before you leave class/ school for the day.
C. Ask the teacher for help if you have questions or are confused.
D. Correct “Incomplete,” “D,” and “F” work to learn from mistakes.
E. Have the necessary materials.
F. Be prepared with textbook, notes, paper, pencils etc.
G. Use extra time/materials if you are given it: Library, Internet, dictionary or encyclopedia, text book resources.
H. Have a study partner/ classmate that you can call with a question about an assignment.
I. Know when your assignments are due, plan your study time.
J. Record due dates and important on the calendar in your Agenda Book.
A. Don’t wait until the last minute to study or complete an assignment or project.
B. Set aside at least 1 hour a day for study and homework, do homework, then play.
C. Prioritize your assignments, complete first what is due sooner. Select a proper study area.
D. You need a relatively quiet place, free of distractions, TV or loud music.
E. You need a suitable writing surface and proper lighting.
F. Organize yourself
G. Use your Agenda Book and calendar every day to keep track of dates
H. Organize your desk space, binder, note books, book bag and work space at home
I. Clean out your Assignment Folder on a regular basis
J. Pack your book bag/ homework folder at night to return for school the next day
K. Concentrate on the task at hand
Spend the entire hour concentrating on homework. Remember number one “Know What is Expected.” Don’t get sidetracked by magazines, games, the telephone, TV, stereo, siblings. Stay with it the entire hour. Write neatly and carefully to do your best work
You will spend less time recopying if you do it neatly and carefully the first time. Always write your name, your assigned number, the date, subject, page number at the top of the paper. Copy the information correctly, spell correctly, check the accuracy of your work. Remember to do your own work and not use the work of others as your own. Share your school work with your parents
Discuss what you have learned in school with your parents. Parents can help you, offer suggestions, support and check your work
Share the good and the not so good, remember to have them sign “Incomplete.” "D,” and “F” work and return it to the teacher
Take PRIDE in who you are and what you do!You will RESPECT yourself and others will too!
Most assignments will be seen/ graded by me and a grade/ effort grade entered into the grade book.
Some have, +, -, or are graded VG- Very Good, G- Good, S-Satisfactory, and NI-Needs Improvement. Some papers and projects will be evaluated by a rubric that will be provided to students when work is assigned.
Tests & Quizzes will have comments and should have a percent or corresponding letter grade.
90-96 is an A 97-100 is an A+ 80-86 is a B 87-89 is a B+
70-76 is a C 77-79 is a C+ 60-66 is a D 67-69 is a D+ 0-59 is an E
Students should finish and correct “Correct and Return,” “Incomplete,” “D” and “F” work to review the skills and concepts before tests.
Progress is reported to students and parents through comments on the graded papers and formally reported on mid-trimester progress reports and trimester report cards. Progress in academic subjects is reported as a letter grade corresponding to a percentage grade. Academic grades are calculated by weighting tests and class work/ homework equally. Art, Music, French, and P.E. are graded S-Satisfactory and NI-Needs Improvement.
Work missed due to absence/ illness/ extracurricular activity is to be made up/turned in within a week.
Students are given a list of work to be made up upon their return.
Students with incomplete class/ homework choose to lose free time, recess, or possible a special to complete the missed/ incomplete assignments.
At the start of the year parents may be notified of homework assignments that are not turned in by a message on
After two reminders, students who choose not to turn in work choose to have their PARENTS informed.
Parents may be INFORMED BY THE WEEKLY NOTE SENT HOME IN THE TUESDAY ENVELOPE. Parents are asked to sign/return the notes.
Students who choose not to turn in work choose to have a “0” recorded in the grade book.
Work turned in late, but not excused by absence or illness, may earn the highest grade of “D.”
Chronic cases of incomplete class/homework will result in a teacher-parent-principal conference.
Parents may monitor their child's daily progress through points added to or subtracted from their child's Classdojo account.
Study Skills Checklist
Proper study skills and habits are very important steps in the learning process.
The following 10 suggestions are provided to assist both parents and students in developing a study routine.
A. Know what is expected of you. Copy the assignments in your Agenda Book carefully.
B. Read directions before you leave class or begin to work, ask questions before you leave class/ school for the day.
C. Ask the teacher for help if you have questions or are confused.
D. Correct “Incomplete,” “D,” and “F” work to learn from mistakes.
E. Have the necessary materials.
F. Be prepared with textbook, notes, paper, pencils etc.
G. Use extra time/materials if you are given it: Library, Internet, dictionary or encyclopedia, text book resources.
H. Have a study partner/ classmate that you can call with a question about an assignment.
I. Know when your assignments are due, plan your study time.
J. Record due dates and important on the calendar in your Agenda Book.
A. Don’t wait until the last minute to study or complete an assignment or project.
B. Set aside at least 1 hour a day for study and homework, do homework, then play.
C. Prioritize your assignments, complete first what is due sooner. Select a proper study area.
D. You need a relatively quiet place, free of distractions, TV or loud music.
E. You need a suitable writing surface and proper lighting.
F. Organize yourself
G. Use your Agenda Book and calendar every day to keep track of dates
H. Organize your desk space, binder, note books, book bag and work space at home
I. Clean out your Assignment Folder on a regular basis
J. Pack your book bag/ homework folder at night to return for school the next day
K. Concentrate on the task at hand
Spend the entire hour concentrating on homework. Remember number one “Know What is Expected.” Don’t get sidetracked by magazines, games, the telephone, TV, stereo, siblings. Stay with it the entire hour. Write neatly and carefully to do your best work
You will spend less time recopying if you do it neatly and carefully the first time. Always write your name, your assigned number, the date, subject, page number at the top of the paper. Copy the information correctly, spell correctly, check the accuracy of your work. Remember to do your own work and not use the work of others as your own. Share your school work with your parents
Discuss what you have learned in school with your parents. Parents can help you, offer suggestions, support and check your work
Share the good and the not so good, remember to have them sign “Incomplete.” "D,” and “F” work and return it to the teacher
Take PRIDE in who you are and what you do!You will RESPECT yourself and others will too!